Dusty Newspaper Clippings and other mental disorder
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Ceramics was good the other day; I was there about five hours and was really pleased with how the project turned out. Nothing quite as satisfying as a good creative day.
Meow, if you think I was bad to my phone SIM, you ain't seen nuthin'! I had the first version of The Sims on my computer back in 2001, and I got so fed up with this one guy that I removed all his doors and windows, got rid of all his furniture to include his shower and toilet, and then set the game on fast-forward to watch him die, which happened after he wet himself and passed out on the floor a few times. When I showed my brother, with whom I was living at the time, he said, "that's just wrong."
Talking about wrong: Adult Diaper Sales Soar in China. Yick. Thanks John.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Uh, what else. Oh, I didn't dig The New World. Too many long (albeit beautiful) shots of the scenery, lingering closeups of profound emotion, and thoughtful voice-overs. A self-conscious affair.
I actually feel somewhat refreshed this morning, which is very unusual for me. I slept like a log. Yesterday I had to haul a 25-pound block of clay to the studio the opposite end of the campus from where I park my car (which is in a residential area off-campus 'cause there's never any parking; next semester I'm not going to bother buying a $120 parking permit). Call me a weakling, but that 25 pounds got heavy fast. I had to take several breaks and I was huffing and puffing, garnering some looks. Today my shoulders are killing me (I need to start working out again).
Anyway, ceramics class was good. I was just blissing out, doing my thing. Of course, being a beginning class, we started on pinch-pots, but I don't look down my nose at pinch-pots because they can be tricky and also good vehicles. I've got spheres on my mind from seeing pictures of thrown spheres, so I glued two pinch-pots together and then polished the surface until it was as smooth as I could get it. Hopefully, once it's fired it'll be something you want to pick up and hold. The teacher complimented me on it. There's a girl in there who, you can tell, is very competitive, and she was slightly shitty toward me. No big whoop. I tried to be pleasant towards her. I'm not competitive; I prefer to celebrate other people's successes. Plus, I recognize that just because I have more experience than others doesn't mean I'm a better artist or whatever.
I've got so much creative energy right now, so many ideas! That's not like me either. I want to make a form, using a sphere and rolled coils, to emulate a ball of yarn with needles stuck through it. I want to use pinch-pots to make chairs for my dolls. I need a set of bookends, which I'll make by slab building. Shit, there was something else and now I forgot.
Remembered. I wrote it down in a "journal" that I'll carry around with me.
Gotta get a move-on to get to the bookstore and buy my online algebra stuff.
Saturday, January 21, 2006, 4:02 PM
Playing the Sims on my phone. It's dumb. I'm trying to get my guy fired to see what happens. I've already had him killed by fire and by starvation. If you don't let him use the bathroom, he just wets himself; if you don't let him sleep, he passes out. Nothing seems to happen if you don't let him bathe and I couldn't make him die of loneliness either. This is after I've already done everything "right." The game doesn't seem to end after you achieve all the goals, it just says to get married and divorced, married and divorced. I'm done.
Monday, January 23, 2006, 12:48 PM
Happy Monday. If I don't take my Effexor, I could just lay down and sleep for a week. Had a hard time getting up and feel SO drugged and groggy. Well, thankfully I finally found my Effexor bottle, so it's just a matter of time before it starts to work. Got da heebie-jeebies. It seems that if I miss my meds, I get stuck in REM sleep all night and have those mini-series dreams. Nothing interesting this time, except maybe some highlights of my disdain for korporate Amerikana (some seminar or function where we had to listen to a bunch of blow-ass executives who were boring everyone to death but were so wrapped up in their egos they didn't notice). But upon awakening, it's as if I hadn't slept at all. And I'm wheezing. Bahhhhhh.
What does this remind you of?
Have my first creative writing class today at 2:30. It only meets on Mondays and last Monday was a holiday. Should be interesting. After that I've got knitting group. I was "supposed" to go to Michael's yesterday because they had a knitting event, but I didn't make it.
Bought a bra the other day at the Gap. Last month I bought a couple of their t-shirt bras, which I love, and got a coupon for $15 off my next purchase. You know that they bank upon you forgetting to use it. Well I used mine, hah. So, too, with those rebates for computer stuff. But I sent away for my rebate. They can't get one over on me! Anyway, I got a convertible bra that can go strapless or cross-back or whatever. Maybe this summer I'll wear a tank top or two. I simply cannot go braless, even though my boobs aren't that big, because I could put someone's eye out with my nipples and that's just nobody's business. All my bras are padded.
Something I've been meaning to write about is my lack of connection with others (have I already mentioned it? prolly). Sometimes within myself, I feel no love or connection with things that intellectually I know matter to me, like my cats for example. Sometimes I think that if they left me I wouldn't even care. But I know that's not true because later on I'd be flooded with regret and mourning. Like what happened with Bijou, that beautiful white kitty who followed me up to my apartment. I gave her to my neighbors, who took her to the Humane Society for a medical check, who found her HIV-positive and kept her in a cage to put her to sleep later. When I think of the fear and suffering that Bijou had to endure in the last hours of her life, it kills me, and it was my fault. And I don't trust the lab findings either, because my cats are the siblings of Bijou, although from a later litter, and they're HIV-negative. Bijou used to hang around with her aunt, who was deaf, and I think she kept a lookout for her, until animal control took the aunt away. Somehow Bijou escaped being caught but she was left all alone, and I know she sought me out specifically, even though I lived on the opposite end of the complex, quite a distance away. She was so weak from hunger she could hardly stand up, and once I started feeding her she waited for me to come home and after only a few days followed me up three flights of stairs to my apartment. I think it was remarkable because she was six months old and had been feral her whole life. Anyway, I know I told that story before.
I think it's why the plight of animals hurts me so, and why I cried at the King Kong movie, because nobody loves them just like nobody loved me.
I didn't mean to get into all that.
Aw fuck, I'm gonna be late.
Friday, January 20, 2006
I think I'm going to see The New World for its drool factor. Why the hell not?
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Then there are days where I don't want to do a damn thing.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
The date/time stamp is generated by my macro, by the way.
I'm cranky. Cats won't eat the food I made a special trip for. Newman and Missy were determined, no matter how many times I told them no, to rifle though stuff in the bathroom, until I finally threw an empty yogurt jar (those Dannon DanActive things) at Newman, startling him. It's the first day of class, and wouldn't you know it the coffee stalled in the vaccuum brewer. I hate that. Last night I couldn't find my Effexor bottle. I'm not looking forward to going to campus an hour early just to find a parking space, and I'm not looking forward to ceramics class either, which is the class I fucked up big time last year when I was dating Eduard and he kept me up all night so that I couldn't get up in the morning, and plus borrowed my car and kept it for several days so that I couldn't go to school. Charming guy. Anyway, it'll be a different instructor but it'll still be emparrassing to walk in there. Also anticipating wrestling for a computer somewhere on campus. GAWD. Really cranky.
That high school person who was my best friend who contacted me through Classmates.com read my reply to her and hasn't written back. Did she want to talk to me or not? WHATever. I'm not awaiting with baited breath.
Hey, I found a stray Effexor capsule in my purse! But I can't find my USB flash drive. Please, god, don't tell me I left it in the lab. Please, please.
Found it. Whew.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
According to MSNBC, about 50 people died in Saudi Arabia during the annual ritual of throwing stones at the devil. Apparently a stampede broke out when somebody tripped on luggage. That sounds like a poorly conceived punch line, but it actually happened. And it isn’t the first time. In 1990, 1,426 people died in a stampede while throwing
stones at the very same devil. (No word as to whether luggage was involved.) And
in 2004, the devil killed another 244 stone-throwers the same way. By my count,
the score is Devil 1,720 and Believers 0.
This is on the same day that the guy who shot John Paul II was freed.
Clearly, the devil is having a good day.
I think it’s interesting that when you pray to God for a new bike, it
hardly ever materializes in your bedroom within seconds. But when you throw
stones at the devil, quite often you get an immediate response. That’s an
example of good customer service.
--Scott Adams
I hate the way blogger always fucks up the quotes.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 10:24 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Also saw King Kong, which, oddly enough, upset me to no end. I cried all the way home. I already knew how it ended, which is no secret. Maybe it was because King Kong's face in this movie was so expressive.
Store guy: You want a baloney
sandwich or something?
Dude: Nah. The only time I eat
baloney is when I'm in the joint.
--Bodega, Williamsburg
Overheard by: Andy K.
I'd like to take the gift cards and swipe them down Mom's ass crack and see her spit out some cash. What the fuck was she thinking? --Lois Lane
Balwearie wants to know what cool stuff I made with all my free time. Hahhhh! Hahhhhh! Hahahahahahhahhaha! Ahem, sorry. Awright, I did knit a cute little dress for Velvet that mimics the Movin Groovin' party dress:
It's not perfect, but it's okay, considering that it's my first lace-motif dress. What other firsts. Oh yeah, the first time I picked up stitches at the neckline and armholes to add on a collar and edgings. Of course it's see-through, so I have to sew a liner for the top, which is why the dress is still not finished.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Met the bro, SIL and niece at the zoo and had a grand ol' time. It's a lot more fun with a kid there. We took some fun pictures, which I'll download at home since I don't have a USB key yet. 'Doh! We spent some time in the petting zoo, and as a result I now smell like a big goat. Bahhhhh!
Thank you, Sandy, for your comment! Yes, my upbringing was very painful indeed. I forget sometimes exactly how much of a burden I used to carry around with me daily: anxiety, fear, uncertainty, no self esteem, and did I mention fear? Slowly over the years, a lot of that has been relieved through therapy and whatnot. Not saying I'm "fixed." I'm doing alright, but I'll be the first to admit that I have difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships. I wouldn't say I have PTSD. I do have a lot of anger though. There's some residual fear, like a fear of risk-taking and such. But hell, I'm in school, so I guess I'm working on that! Anyway, thanks again Sandy.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Spent about four days at my folks' house for Christmas. Awful as usual, maybe getting worse. My mother has taken to dumping her complaints about her husband onto me. I don't want to hear it!! But I always love seeing my dogs. Andy slept with me every night. My tweetie-pie, I could just pick him up and love the stuffing out of him.
New Year's Eve I went to Bro's house. Got to see Niecey, and SIL wasn't so bad either. I think she might have a hormonal problem. I'm supposed to meet them tomorrow at the zoo. At 10:00 in the morning! Is that barbaric or what?
Okay, remember me talking about the girl in high school, my best friend, who dumped me so cold? (And the scenario was repeated with my marriage, ironically enough, where I was dumped for someone "cooler," or better in some other way.) Well, she sent me email through Classmates.com. Coulda knocked me over with a feather. I'd been tempted to contact her but refused because I didn't feel it was my place as the "dumpee." So I dunno, just the fact that she sent me an email has lessened a lot of those stupid feelings I've been harboring all these years.
I've had a copy of Courage to Heal for a few years now, and I brought it out and read bits of it over the last couple of days. Made me really snippy and irritable. They're saying that I have to relive every instance of abuse, down to exactly what was happening and how I felt. Call me a coward, but no thanks.
Still, though, I managed to avoid utter depression over the holidays, which is good.