Saturday, March 19, 2005

(Best hick voice) I still cain't b'lieve wut I done last night. In regards to the camera. What a bind I've put myself in. It's vital to my earning potential. Crap. You see? I shouldn't have said it was getting long in the tooth! It heard me and took a header. Bitch.

Aw, no. Couple across the way. Shrill hysterics. Christ. May I say that I'm grateful not to live adjacent to them? Thank you. Hey, I could give her some of my antidepressants, think she'd appreciate the offer?

I scrounged together $2.40 in change, mostly pennies, to buy some gas. Ooh, the clerk's gonna hate me. What a pisser that it'll only get me a gallon!

Last night I mailed to the bank the check my SIL wrote me for the food processor. I did it last night because it was collected at 7:30 this morning so it's on its way. I really need to get a local bank.

So anyway, got a busy day ahead. Gotta prepare the cats' food; they're about to whither up and blow away because I'm such a mean mommy I never feed them. I need to do homework and take care of a couple of tasks around the house.
Would love to do more dollies while I seem to be on a kick. Maybe. I thought that I could prepare more than one doll and then make arrangements with my bro to go over there for a bulk photo session.

3:34 PM

I don't know what the hell possessed me: I scrubbed my tub and shower. Since I seldom shower with my glasses on, I really didn't know exactly how cruddy it had gotten. Ew. It's just odd that I was motivated to do anything housekeeping related. In addition, I collected a bunch of dishes and started a load in the dishwasher. Mark this event in your calendar.

Took all the meat I could off the chicken carcass and made the kitty food, which they seem to dig. Cut my finger in the process. I took the bones and threw them in a stock pot for some soup. We'll see how that comes out. I adore egg drop soup. I don't have any vegetables for the stock, which is too bad. If it's bland or whatever, I can always use it as a base for my beans.

Here's a funny little anecdote: Eduard and I were in bed fooling around, and I was going down on him, I think for the first time, when all of a sudden we hear an outraged, "Me-OW!" like, "What are you DOING?!" I raised my head and there was Newman, teensy kitten, looking at us questioningly. I said, "It's none of your business, Newman, don't look," so he laid down and went to sleep. Later he came up and looked at me, eyes narrowed. I picked him up and cuddled on him and then he was alright.

I don't have any goat's milk for the kitties so I ground up some of my CitriCal tablets (in my mortar and pestle--I love my mortar and pestle) and added it to their food for the calcium. I've got shitloads of vitamins, none of which I take. For the longest while, I was religious about my vitamins and I feel far more alert and energetic when I take them, but I dunno, maybe I burned out. I hate burping up the B-vitamins, yuck, and I'm sick of all those horse pills.

8:31 PM

Fuckin-A, that was a good dinner. I'm eating better now that I'm broke than I did before. I had to let the broth boil off for quite some time and I said to hell with it and threw in some lentils too. Turned out pretty good, all things considered. Should feed me for a coupla days. I'm all proud of myself, I actually cooked something.


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