Monday, December 04, 2006

Pet peeve: when someone uses a Priority box from the post office to send you a parcel, but they've taped over the easy-access pull-strip.

I finally got my hands on some MSC (Mister Super Clear), a spray resin used to coat BJD's after you paint them. Apparently there is no substitute, though believe me, I looked. This shit's from Japan and can be hard to find. Once I found some, I bought three cans. But here's the thing: I requested that they add two
Kolinski sable paintbrushes to the order: one 20/0 and one 30/0. I've *never* seen a 30/0 before. Anyway, they added the brushes and didn't charge me. So, I guess that leaves it up to me, being the honest soul that I yam. If the seller were a big corporation I'd say screw it, but they're a mom-and-pop, so I'll take the high road.


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