Friday, February 11, 2005

So this morning I was sitting in a stupor in front of my computer as I am wont to do, when there was this slight hissing sound and the screen went black. "Goddammit, Peep!" I shouted, because she has a tendency to step on the on/off switch to the power strip. Then I noticed that other things in the apartment were off, not just the computer, and Peep looking at me from the window seat going, "What?"

Yepper, you got it; the power got turned off. This is the first time EVER that my power has been turned off. Is this a new low? So, first I took a shower by candlelight before the hot water went away, then I drove all the way to the campus to use a computer with which to pay the bill. The lady on the phone said that after payment, the power should be restored "within 24 hours." You know how many things you can't do without electricity? A lot.

I'm also trying to register with a local community college because they have something called a "second start" semester. I only learned about it yesterday and it starts Monday, so I have to get it together. It would be cool to get in because just taking four hours is totally bogus.


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