Friday, February 04, 2005

I have to go to the rental office to pick up a couple of packages and I don't want to. I'm filled with dread at the thought of encountering what are usually snooty, disdainful and ineffectual cunts. I can't go looking like the skank I do right now, so I figured I'll go running since I have to shower anyway. Might as well get really dirty so as to get the most out of my shower possible. How economical of me, no?

Speaking of bathing, I've found a product that's the best I've ever tried. See, I read in The Guide to Getting it On that the vagina needs an acidic environment to be healthy, and that soaps are alkaline, thereby throwing off the balance. The book recommended a product called Nature's Plus Natural Beauty Cleansing Bar, which has a pH of 4.5.

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Dude, this stuff rocks. Ever since I started using it, my vagina has been SO happy -- no infections whatsoever, not even bladder infections, which I usually get when sexually active [which I'm now not, as you are no doubt aware if you've been reading my blog]. I want to share the news with every woman I know! And since it's dumb to have a separate soap for the vagina, I've been using it all over and my skin has reacted very positively to it. Then one day while on the toilet I browsed through the little pamphlet that's included in the box, and it said that I could even wash my hair with it. So, weird as it is to wash hair with a cleansing bar, that's what I do now, and my hair and my scalp are the healthiest they've ever been. This is truly a miracle product. It's also nice not to have to lug an armload of products to shower at the gym.

While it was okay for my face, in that it seemed to clear everything up very nicely, I found it was a bit drying, so I've been using Cetaphil for my face, another awesome product.

You think I should be in advertising? Kickbacks may be sent to the following bank account: [yeah, right].

Speaking of careers, I read in CNN that there's a shortage of blue collar workers. Maybe that's my calling. Maybe I could be an electrician. Money's not bad, I wouldn't be stuck in a fucking cubicle, and I wouldn't have to go to college. Food for thought. A big con would be that I'd have to deal with serious sexism in a male-dominated field, not something I care to revisit.

Newman is curled up asleep with his face smooshed in my lap. He's so precious, it's almost like he's my own baby.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Newpeep, N.D. (neurotic depressive) said...

You might want to try Googling for it. I've gotten it at a local health food store, The Vitamin Shoppe, and also the internet. Love the stuff, have to go get some more.


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