Monday, January 17, 2005

School starts tomorrow. I have to try to crash classes because I was in such a fog last semester I let the deadlines go by and all the classes got filled. Erg. If I don't get the classes I want, I'm not sure what to take as alternatives. Guess I'll worry about that when I get there. As it happens, all my desired classes are Monday and Wednesday, so that would be cool. Just go to the campus twice a week, all day. That would leave me the rest of the week to get other stuff done, like earn some money.

GAWD I hate my fucking neighbors -- the ones across the way, not the ones who just moved. There they go again, having a loud screaming shrill hissy fit. The chick really loses it. She needs antidepressants. I'd say she could use a bullet but they have a kid. Who, by the way, must really love having to hear this shit. They'd been pretty chill for several months, but I guess it couldn't last. Why stay together? Huh? Why? What's the point? Idiots.

I sure don't miss such drama in my life. It's so much nicer not to get to that emotional state.


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