Sunday, September 10, 2006

Stolen from Wil Wheaten's blog:

A guy walks into a bar, and orders six shots. The bartender pours them, and he slams them back as fast as he can.

"Woah, buddy!" The bartender says, "why are you drinking so fast?"

"You'd be drinking fast too, if you had what I have," the guy says, gravely.

"Oh," the bartender says, "what do you have?"

"Seventy-five cents."


I loved Stand by Me. However, I wasn't a huge fan of Wesley Crusher. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying reading Wheaton's blog; I think he's a talented writer.

I'm going over to Bro's house today to visit with him and Niecey. SIL is at a ball game. I'm going to have to ask Bro, what gives? Why am I only invited when SIL is away? And I don't care if I'm stepping in it, either.

Oh, let me show you a Blythe pic:

The poor girl no longer looks like that--I've scalped her. She'll be my first customization project. Matte face, new eye chips, new lashes, new makeup, and new hair. She's going to be a platinum. I plan to do another Blythe in emulation of Hollywood, who's too expensive to buy.

Oh, oh, and guess what? I saw Shay at school the other day. I was somewhat surprised, as it was in the English building and she's not an English major. Additionally, I thought she might have graduated by now. Anyway. She looked about the same, although there wasn't time for an inspection. We just passed each other in the crowded hallway. I said, "how's it going," and she said, "hey, Newpeep," and that was it. I don't guess I hold her in ill will, but I don't miss her.


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