Sunday, November 20, 2005

My bad, it's Bee Season. Looks like a lot of reviewers agree with me. I like what this reviewer has to say about it, although I didn't dislike it quite as much:

I don't know that I've looked at my watch
or fidgeted more in any movie this year...this film is absolutely painful. It's
a short-film stretched to a feature, laden with special effects, and presented
as a spelling-bee film when it's actually anything but. What it is is difficult
to decipher as well. It feels like a prolonged advertisement for Kabbalah...or
is it? They get into Krishna as well, but doesn't seem to say that either of
them is the answer. I dunno...if they have a message perhaps they should go
ahead and pass out pamphlets with ticket purchase to let us in on what it is.
It's obvious that this film desires to be something incredibly profound, but it
fails in almost every way by being too damned ambiguous. By the time it's over
you've stopped trying to figure out what it's all about and just thank God for
the sweet release that is the end credits. It's a pretty film that has nothing
to say, or just doesn't know how to say it. Or even worse, perhaps it assumes
that its audience will decipher the profundities with ease or that we'll all be
compelled to hang at a hip coffee shop and speak about it for hours...not
likely. I like a film that leaves things open for interpretation, but when the
entire film and every element is left up for interpretation, well that's just a
directionless soup of ambiguity.


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