Saturday, May 07, 2005

Holy mother of gawd, what a day. First of all, this keyboard sucks. Anyway. I had my final exam for my distance ed course at the community college campus today. I was to be here no later than one. It was shortly before noon when I jumped into my car and the fucker wouldn't start. Not a groan, not a squeak, no nothing. Yesterday it died and I needed a jump but I had assumed that I'd left my lights on or something equally silly and thought no more of it. But no. So I called a cab but was left particularly uneasy by the incompetence of the person I spoke with. I'm not a particularly social person and am not bestest friends with my neighbors but I saw a friendly gentleman I'd spoken with before and begged him to take me to school. By this time I was well on my way to utter panic. Got to the campus on time and guess what. I couldn't find the test location. I ran all over campus looking for it and asked every school employee I could find and nobody knew dick. So, I didn't take the freakin final. This was too much for my poor fragile psyche and I broke down and cried. Realized I hadn't eaten yet so I walked to McDonald's. Usually I like McDonald's and a Coke but today it didn't taste good. And my stomach hurts. Anyway.

That delicious young punk/goth dude is sitting nearby and he smiled at me. And guess what? I've got a hickie. A hickie! I haven't had one of those in years. Years! And I've got my hair up in a ponytail too so it's on display. So I guess I can rule out flirting.


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