Sunday, April 24, 2005

Mike called. I was unwilling to tell him that I'd just crawled out of bed. He wants to meet up tomorrow on campus and pushed the movie back to Friday, which is fine with me. It just came out last time we spoke that I'd been married before. He probably wants to know more about that, but I'll let him bring it up.

From what I can gather, he seems to have a good relationship with his parents, both of whom are successful in their respective industries. I'll bet they're not much older than I am. He's sure of himself, focused and organized (more things we don't have in common -- snerk).

My skin was fairly clear for weeks and now that someone's interested in me, I've broken out like a mutha. :-( I read somewhere that women like me who suffer from adult acne can expect relief at the onset of menopause. Well thank gawd for that! The end is in sight.

Finally got some stuff mailed off that I'd sold on eBay. It's true, I'm terrible about shipping. It's such a monkey on my back. The whole eBay thing is a blast except for the damn shipping. Finding boxes and packing materials, tracking down scissors and tape in my chaos, then putting the correct addresses on the boxes and schlepping them down to the post office. Even if I print off pre-paid labels, I still have to stand in line to drop off the boxes. Face it, I'm lazy.

I've really been missing my dogs lately. But they're so much better off with my parents. All their needs are being met: a varied, nutritious diet, plenty of company and love, and lots of exercise. It benefits my parents too; they need something to fuss over and dote on. Phoebe and my dad have really taken to each other, and my mom and Andy have bonded too. It kind of gives my parents a second chance at parenting, seriously, and they're excelling at it.


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