This little text thing beneath my name is called a "badge." I investigated what the fuck was going on and I read that these badges are "earned." No they're not! I didn't ask for my "Real Name" to be used, or for their fucking badge! Amazon just took the liberty of putting my name, harvested from my credit card information, on all my reviews.
I like to protect my privacy if at all possible, so I emailed Amazon and said I'd like for my Real Name to be removed. Here's their supercilious reply (retrieved from the virtual trash):
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with Your Real Name.
To edit the name associated with Your Profile: [instructions follow]
So I follow the directions and this is what I see:
Note: If you use a Pen Name, you will not receive a Real Nameā¢ badge.
Oh my gawd, I won't receive a badge? Heavens to fucking Betsy! How will I ever recover from the blow?
Hey, I used to think that Amazon was okay, a fairly cool organization. But I guess they've succumbed to suckage same as all the rest.
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